Kurset gis på norsk/engelsk. The course is given in Norwegian/English

8 weeks jobseeking course (two hours each week), for immigrants with higher education living in Oslo. Free of charge.

The next courses will start from 28th April 2025.

Address: Caritas Resource Center, Hammersborg Torg 3, Oslo

Contact person for JOBBFOKUS:
Cornelie / jobb@caritas.no


Question Title

* 1. Kontaktinformasjon / Registration form

Question Title

* 2. Bor du i Oslo? / Do you live in Oslo?

Question Title

* 3. Kjønn / Gender

Question Title

* 5. I hvilket land er du født? / Country of birth?

Question Title

* 6. Statsborgerskap? / Citizenship?

Question Title

* 7. Har du høyere utdanning / Do you have higher education?

Question Title

* 8. Hva har du studert? / What did you study?

Question Title

* 9. Studerer du nå / Are you currently a student?

Question Title

* 10. Yrke? / What is your professional background? 
Write only 1-2 sentences.

Question Title

* 11. Kan du delta i en gruppe som snakker norsk og/eller engelsk? / Are you able to participate in an English and/or Norwegian speaking group? (There are only English speaking groups in this round from 10th February).

Question Title

* 12. Hvilke alternative ukedager kan du delta? Which alternative days of the week can you participate? You will only attend once a week (2 hours).

Question Title

* 13. Hvor hørte du om dette kurset? / How did you hear about this course?

Question Title

* 14. Annen kommentar / Other comments

Question Title

* 15. Jeg samtykker til at Caritas Norge kan oppbevare og behandle mine personlige opplysninger i inntil 2 år for formål relatert til jobbsøking, annen relevante informasjon samt kurs og seminarer
Jeg er kjent med at jeg når som helst kan kontakte Caritas og be om at informasjonen slettes.

I hereby consent to the registration, processing and storing of my personal data for recruitment purposes, other relevant information, courses and seminars at Caritas Norge, for a period of maximum 2 years.
I am aware that I can contact Caritas Norge at any time to get my information deleted.