Kurset gis på norsk/engelsk. The course is given in Norwegian/English

8 weeks job-seeking course (two hours each week), for immigrants with higher education living in Oslo. Free of charge.

NEXT COURSE STARTS END OF AUGUST 2024, the course will be during daytime.

Address: Caritas Resource Center, Hammersborg Torg 3, Oslo

Contact person for JOBBFOKUS:
Cornelie / jobb@caritas.no


Question Title

* 1. Kontaktinformasjon / Registration form

Question Title

* 2. Bor du i Oslo? / Do you live in Oslo?

Question Title

* 3. Kjønn / Gender

Question Title

* 5. I hvilket land er du født? / Country of birth?

Question Title

* 6. Statsborgerskap? / Citizenship?

Question Title

* 7. Har du høyere utdanning / Do you have higher education?

Question Title

* 8. Hva har du studert? / What did you study?

Question Title

* 9. Studerer du nå / Are you currently a student?

Question Title

* 10. Yrke? / What is your professional background? 
Write only 1-2 sentences.

Question Title

* 11. Kan du delta i en gruppe som snakker norsk og/eller engelsk? / Are you able to participate in an English and/or Norwegian speaking group?

Question Title

* 12. Hvilke alternative ukedager kan du delta? Which alternative days of the week can you participate? Please note that the course on Tuesdays is in English and the course on Wednesdays is only for participants who have reached B1 level in norwegian language.

Question Title

* 13. Hvor hørte du om dette kurset? / How did you hear about this course?

Question Title

* 14. Annen kommentar / Other comments

Question Title

* 15. Jeg samtykker til at Caritas Norge kan oppbevare og behandle mine personlige opplysninger i inntil 2 år for formål relatert til jobbsøking, annen relevante informasjon samt kurs og seminarer
Jeg er kjent med at jeg når som helst kan kontakte Caritas og be om at informasjonen slettes.

I hereby consent to the registration, processing and storing of my personal data for recruitment purposes, other relevant information, courses and seminars at Caritas Norge, for a period of maximum 2 years.
I am aware that I can contact Caritas Norge at any time to get my information deleted.